How the Structuring of Domain Knowledge Helps Casual Process Modelers
Modeling business processes has become a common activity in industry, but it is increasingly carried out by non-experts. This...
SPEED: A Semantics-Based Pipeline for Economic Event Detection
Nowadays, emerging news on economic events such as acquisitions has a substantial impact on the financial markets. Therefore, it...
Prediction of Business Process Model Quality Based on Structural Metrics
The quality of business process models is an increasing concern as enterprise-wide modelling initiatives have to rely heavily on...
Contextual Factors in Database Integration — A Delphi Study
Database integration is an important process in information systems development, maintenance, and evolution. Schema matching, the identification of data...
Modelling Functional Requirements in Spatial Design
We demonstrate the manner in which high-level design requirements, e.g., as they correspond to the commonsensical conceptualisation of expert...
Building Dynamic Models of Service Compositions with Simulation of Provision Resources
Efficient and competitive provision of service compositions depends both on the composition structure, and on planning and management of...
Business Processes Contextualisation via Context Analysis
Context-awareness has emerged as a new perspective for business process modelling. Even though some works have studied it, many...
Maintaining Consistency of Probabilistic Databases: A Linear Programming Approach
The problem of maintaining consistency via functional dependencies (FDs) has been studied and analyzed extensively within traditional database settings....
A Generic Perspective Model for the Generation of Business Process Views
Overwhelmed by the model size and the diversity of presented information in huge business process models, the stakeholders in...
Full Satisfiability of UML Class Diagrams
UML class diagrams (UCDs) are the de-facto standard formalism for the analysis and design of information systems. By adopting...