planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

Extending Organizational Modeling with Business Services Concepts: An Overview of the Proposed Architecture

Nowadays, there is wide consensus on the importance of organizational modelling in the definition of software systems that correctly...

On Enabling Data-Aware Compliance Checking of Business Process Models

In the light of an increasing demand on business process compliance, the verification of process models against compliance rules...

Query Answering under Expressive Entity-Relationship Schemata

We address the problem of answering conjunctive queries under constraints representing schemata expressed in an extended version of the...

A Conceptual Approach to Database Applications Evolution

Data-intensive systems are subject to continuous evolution that translates ever-changing business and technical requirements. System evolution usually constitutes a...

Automated Co-evolution of Conceptual Models, Physical Databases, and Mappings

Schema evolution is an unavoidable consequence of the application development lifecycle. The two primary schemas in an application, the...

A SchemaGuide for Accelerating the View Adaptation Process

Materialization of XML views significantly improves query performance in the often slow execution times for XPath expressions. Existing efforts...

Complexity of Reasoning over Temporal Data Models

We investigate the computational complexity of reasoning over temporal extensions of conceptual data models. The temporal conceptual models we...

Using Preaggregation to Speed Up Scaling Operations on Massive Spatio-temporal Data

A frequent operation in e-Science is downscaling of some data item or part thereof, such as obtaining a 1...

Situation Prediction Nets

Situation awareness in large-scale control systems such as road traffic management aims to predict critical situations on the basis...

Model-Driven Data Migration

The automatic generation of components from abstract models greatly facilitates information systems evolution, as changes to the model are...