Granularity in Conceptual Modelling: Application to Metamodels
The granularity of conceptual models depends at least in part on the granularity of their underpinning metamodel. Here we...
Meronymy-Based Aggregation of Activities in Business Process Models
As business process management is increasingly applied in practice, more companies document their operations in the form of process...
Feature Assembly: A New Feature Modeling Technique
In this paper we present a new feature modeling technique. This work was motivated by the fact that although...
Leveraging Business Process Models for ETL Design
As Business Intelligence evolves from off-line strategic decision making to on-line operational decision making, the design of the back-end...
A Method for Filtering Large Conceptual Schemas
We focus on the problem of filtering a fragment of the knowledge contained in a large conceptual schema. The...
Adaptation in Open Systems: Giving Interaction Its Rightful Place
We address the challenge of adaptation in open systems. Open systems are characterized by interactions among autonomous and heterogeneous...
Measuring the Quality of an Integrated Schema
Schema integration is a central task for data integration. Over the years, many tools have been developed to discover...
Information Use in Solving a Well-Structured IS Problem: The Roles of IS and Application...
While the application domain is acknowledged to play a significant role in IS problem solving, little attention has been...
Finding Solutions in Goal Models: An Interactive Backward Reasoning Approach
Modeling in the early stage of system analysis is critical for understanding stakeholders, their needs, problems, and different viewpoints....
The Model Role Level – A Vision
Models are used widely within software engineering and have been studied from many perspectives. A perspective that has received...