Towards a Model of Services Based on Co-creation, Abstraction and Restriction
The term service is today defined and used in a multitude of ways, and there is no usage characteristic...
Modeling the Propagation of User Preferences
User preferences are a fundamental ingredient of personalized database applications, in particular those in which the user context plays...
Towards a Theory of Refinement for Data Migration
We develop a theoretical framework for refining transformations occurring in the process of data migration. A legacy kernel can...
Sociotechnical Trust: An Architectural Approach
Current approaches in sociotechnical systems consider trust to be either cognitive—referring to actors’ mental models of each other—or technical—referring...
Generating SPARQL Executable Mappings to Integrate Ontologies
Data translation is an integration task that aims at populating a target model with data of a source model...
Enterprise Monitoring Ontology
A value constellation is an economic system of actors exchanging objects of value to satisfy a consumer’s need. Its...
Multilingual Ontologies for Cross-Language Information Extraction and Semantic Search
Valuable local information is often available on the web, but encoded in a foreign language that non-local users do...
Querying Conceptual Schemata with Expressive Equality Constraints
When querying data through a conceptual schema or ontology, we compute answers entailed by the logical theory constituted by...
A Precious Class of Cardinality Constraints for Flexible XML Data Processing
Modern Web developers must often process collections of XML data that are aggregated from potentially thousands of heterogeneous sources....
High Quality Technical Documentation for Large Industrial Plants Using an Enterprise Engineering and Conceptual...
Engineering contractors are building very large installations such as nuclear power plants, airports, oil refineries etc. Two closely related...