Clustering Event Traces by Behavioral Similarity
The automated analysis of event logs in smart homes could provide an IT-aided support for a highly autonomous and...
Modeling Strategies for Storing Data in Distributed Heterogeneous NoSQL Databases
In this work, we propose HerM (Heterogeneous Distributed Model), a NoSQL data modeling approach which supports the use of...
Goal-Based Selection of Visual Representations for Big Data Analytics
The H2020 TOREADOR Project adopts a model-driven architecture to streamline big data analytics and make it widely available to...
Efficient Multi-range Query Processing on Trajectories
With the widespread use of devices with geo-positioning technologies, an unprecedented volume of trajectory data is becoming available. In...
A Volunteer Design Methodology of Data Warehouses
In the context of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), volunteers are not involved in the decisional processes. Moreover, VGI systems...
Using a Conceptual Model to Transform Road Networks from OpenStreetMap to a Graph Database
We present a method for extracting road network data that has been crowdsourced in the OpenStreetMap project and transform...
Modeling Conceptual Characteristics of Virtual Machines for CPU Utilization Prediction
Cloud services have grown rapidly in recent years, which provide high flexibility for cloud users to fulfill their computing...
Towards the Design of a Scalable Business Process Management System Architecture in the Cloud
The ubiquity of cloud computing is shifting the deployment of Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) from traditional on-premise models...
Towards an Ontology of Software Defects, Errors and Failures
The rational management of software defects is a fundamental requirement for a mature software industry. Standards, guides and capability...
TemporalEMF: A Temporal Metamodeling Framework
Existing modeling tools provide direct access to the most current version of a model but very limited support to...