Link Patterns for Modeling Information Grids and P2P Networks
Collaborative work requires, more than ever, access to data located on multiple autonomous and heterogeneous data sources. The development...
Information Retrieval Aware Web Site Modelling and Generation
Design and maintenance of large corporate Web sites have become a challenging problem due to the continuing increase in...
Expressive Profile Specification and Its Semantics for a Web Monitoring System
World wide web has gained a lot of prominence with respect to information retrieval and data delivery. With such...
Extending UML for Designing Secure Data Warehouses
Data Warehouses (DW), Multidimensional (MD) Databases, and On-Line Analytical Processing Applications are used as a very powerful mechanism for...
On Modelling Cooperative Retrieval Using an Ontology-Based Query Refinement Process
In this paper we present an approach for the interactive refinement of ontology-based queries. The approach is based on...
Data Integration with Preferences Among Sources
Data integration systems represent today a key technological infrastructure for managing the enormous amount of information even more and...
Load-Balancing Remote Spatial Join Queries in a Spatial GRID
The explosive growth of spatial data worldwide coupled with the emergence of GRID computing provides a strong motivation for...
Resolving Schematic Discrepancy in the Integration of Entity-Relationship Schemas
In schema integration, chematic discrepancies occur when data in one database correspond to metadata in another. We define this...
Expressing and Optimizing Similarity-Based Queries in SQL
Searching for similar objects (in terms of near and nearest neighbors) of a given query object from a large...
Managing Merged Data by Vague Functional Dependencies
In this paper, we propose a new similarity measure between vague sets and apply vague logic in a relational...