planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

XSLTGen: A System for Automatically Generating XML Transformations via Semantic Mappings

XML is rapidly emerging as a dominant standard for representing and exchanging information. The ability to transform and present...

Merging of XML Documents

How to deal with the heterogeneous structures of XML documents, identify XML data instances, solve conflicts, and effectively merge...

Schema-Based Web Wrapping

An effective solution to automate information integration is represented by wrappers, i.e. programs which are designed for extracting relevant...

Modeling Default Induction with Conceptual Structures

Our goal is to model the way people induce knowledge from rare and sparse data. This paper describes a...

Reachability Problems in Entity-Relationship Schema Instances

Recent developments in reification of ER schemata include automatic generation of web-based database administration systems . These systems enforce...

A Reference Methodology for Conducting Ontological Analyses

The ontological analysis of conceptual modelling techniques is of increasing popularity. Related research did not only explore the ontological...

Pruning Ontologies in the Development of Conceptual Schemas of Information Systems

In the past, most conceptual schemas of information systems have been developed essentially from scratch. Currently, however, several research...

Definition of Events and Their Effects in Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling Languages

Most current conceptual modeling languages and methods do not model events as entities. We argue that, at least in...

Enterprise Modeling with Conceptual XML

An open challenge is to integrate XML and conceptual modeling in order to satisfy large-scale enterprise needs. Because enterprises...

Classification of Business Process Correspondences and Associated Integration Operators

Integration of business processes requires the integration of both the structure and behaviour of the data objects involved. Research...