Entity-Relationship Modeling Re-revisited
Since its introduction, the Entity-Relationship (ER) model has been the vehicle of choice in communicating the structure of a...
Modeling Functional Data Sources as Relations
In this paper we present a model of functional access to data that, we argue, is suitable for modeling...
Roles as Entity Types: A Conceptual Modelling Pattern
Roles are meant to capture dynamic and temporal aspects of real-world objects. The role concept has been used with...
Aspects of Regulatory and Legal Implications on e-Voting
This paper addresses the democracy-oriented regulatory and legal requirements that e-democracy impacts. The short term perspective of the questions...
Architecture for Implementing the Mobile Government Services in Korea
Each nation’s architecture for the m-Government including Korea’s is being laid out somewhat differently according to its strategy, approach,...
Multitemporal Conditional Schema Evolution
Schema evolution is the ability of the database to respond to changes in the real world by allowing the...
Preface to eCOMO 2004
Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-30466-1_56
Preface to CoMoA 2004
Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-30466-1_41
Modeling Business Strategy in E-Business Systems Requirements Engineering
This paper proposes a conceptual modeling approach for requirements engineering for e-business systems that enables alignment of systems requirements...
A Sociological Framework for Multi-agent Systems Validation and Verification
Social and intentional behaviours appear as two main components of the agent paradigm. Methods of conventional software engineering do...