planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

A Method and Tool for Wide Audience Requirements Elicitation and Rapid Prototyping for Mobile...

In recent years, consumer oriented information systems development has become increasingly important matter, as more and more complex information...

Spatio-temporal Relevant Logic as the Logical Basis for Specifying, Verifying, and Reasoning About Mobile...

To specify, verify, and reason about mobile multi-agent systems, we need a fundamental logic system to provide us with...

Methodology for the Development of a Sectoral Standard for EDI

The introduction of an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) system in a particular sector is a complex problem involving different...

Towards an Ontology for Agent Mobility

The benefits of agent mobility have been recognized for a variety of applications such as wireless ad hoc environments...

Subjective Trust Inferred by Kalman Filtering vs. a Fuzzy Reputation

Inferring Trust in dynamic and subjective environments is an interesting issue in the way to obtain a complete delegation...

Conceptual Model of BDI Agents within an ITS

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the conceptual modelling of Belief, Desire and Intention (BDI) Agents within...

Model-Driven Agent-Based Web Services IDE

Web services have not exploited sufficient semantics and approaches to dynamic service-oriented operations. Software agents have been developed for...

AFDM: A UML-Based Methodology for Engineering Intelligent Agents

Agents are a potential technology with many applications. It is urgent to develop appropriate methodologies for the development and...

Preface to DGOV 2004

Read the full paper here:

IECS: An Integrated E-Community System for Management, Decision and Service

The paper presents an Integrated E-Community System (IECS) for management, decision and service, designed for the e-government project of...