planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

Geo Web Services Based on Semantic

The fast development of Web Services enables Geo spatial data and functionality to be shared in a distributed computing...

A Scaleless Data Model for Direct and Progressive Spatial Query Processing

A progressive spatial query retrieves spatial data based on previous queries (e.g., to fetch data in a more restricted...

Querying Heterogeneous Spatial Databases: Combining an Ontology with Similarity Functions

This paper uses a knowledge-based approach to querying heterogeneous spatial databases based on an ontology and conceptual and attribute...

Tutorial 7: Modeling Enterprise Applications

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Retrieval of Heterogeneous Geographical Information Using Concept Brokering and Upper Level Ontology

Different concept and attribute definitions for geographical features underlying information systems make it difficult to share geographical information. This...

Preface to CoMoGIS 2004

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A New Quick Point Location Algorithm

We present a new quick algorithm for the solution of the well-known point location problem and for the more...

A Conceptual Model for Supporting Multiple Representations and Topology Management

In this paper a joint topology-geometry model is proposed for dealing with multiple representations and topology management to support...

Preface to CoMWIM 2004

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Modeling Geospatial Databases with Plug-Ins for Visual Languages: A Pragmatic Approach and the Impacts...

Modeling geospatial databases for GIS applications has always posed several challenges for system analysts, developers and their clients. Numerous...