planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

3D Scene Modeling for Activity Detection

Current computer vision algorithms can process video sequences and perform key low-level functions, such as motion detection, motion tracking,...

An Agent-Oriented Meta-model for Enterprise Modelling

This paper proposes an agent-oriented meta-model that provides rigorous concepts for conducting enterprise modelling. The aim is to allow...

SAMATS – Edge Highlighting and Intersection Rating Explained

The creation of detailed 3D buildings models, and to a greater extent the creation of entire city models, has...

An Approach to Broaden the Semantic Coverage of ACL Speech Acts

Current speech-act based ACLs specify domain-independent information about communication and relegate domain-dependent information to an unspecified content language. This...

Normative Pragmatics for Agent Communication Languages

The ability to communicate is one of the crucial properties of agents. In this paper a normative approach to...

Experimental Comparison of Rational Choice Theory, Norm and Rights Based Multi Agent Systems

As utility calculus cannot account for an important part of agents’ behaviour in Multi-Agent Systems, researchers have progressively adopted...

Preface to CoMoGIS 2005

Read the full paper here:

Map Algebra Extended with Functors for Temporal Data

This paper shows how to extend and generalize Tomlin’s Map Algebra to apply uniformly for spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal...

A Formal Model for Representing Point Trajectories in Two-Dimensional Spaces

Modelling moving points is a subject of interest that has attracted a wide range of spatio-temporal database research. Efforts...

A Logical Approach for Modeling Spatio-temporal Objects and Events

The formal specification of spatio-temporal information is essential to the definition of spatio-temporal database systems. The main contribution of...