planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

IBM Industry Models: Experience, Management and Challenges

IBM’s Industry Models for Banking and Insurance continue to evolve to encompass our accumulated experience with our customers, the...

Community Semantics for Ultra-Scale Information Management

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) presents an instance of an ultra-scale information management problem: thousands of information systems,...

Managing Data in High Throughput Laboratories: An Experience Report from Proteomics

Scientific laboratories are rich in data management challenges. This paper describes an end-to-end information management infrastructure for a high...

Notes for the Conceptual Design of Interfaces

This paper presents a design method for user interfaces based on some ideas from conversation analysis. The method uses...

The User Interface Is the Conceptual Model

Frequently, the structure and description of the data in a database bears little resemblance to the structure and description...

Schema-Mediated Exchange of Temporal XML Data

When web servers publish data formatted in XML, only the current state of the data is (generally) published. But...

Towards a Holistic Conceptual Modelling-Based Software Development Process

Traditionally, the Conceptual Modelling (CM) community has been interested in defining methods to model Information Systems by specifying their...

A Quantitative Summary of XML Structures

Statistical summaries in relational databases mainly focus on the distribution of data values and have been found useful for...

A Multi-perspective Framework for Organizational Patterns

The goal of this paper is twofold. First we present a multi-perspective framework supporting the description of organizational patterns,...

Database to Semantic Web Mapping Using RDF Query Languages

One of the main drawbacks of the Semantic Web is the lack of semantically rich data, since most of...