A Formal Framework for Reasoning on Metadata Based on CWM
During the metadata creation based on Common Warehouse Metamodel(CWM), the different experiences and views of describing data of organizations...
A Set of QVT Relations to Assure the Correctness of Data Warehouses by Using...
It is widely accepted that a requirement analysis phase is necessary to develop data warehouses (DWs) which adequately represent...
Design and Use of ER Repositories: Methodologies and Experiences in eGovernment Initiatives
In this paper we describe the main results of a fifteen years research activity in the area of repositories...
Semantic Web Techniques for Personalization of eGovernment Services
In this paper, we present the results of an ongoing research involving the design and implementation of systems supporting...
A Framework for Integrating XML Transformations
XML is the de facto standard for representing and exchanging data on the World Wide Web and XSLT is...
Query Graph Model for SPARQL
Several query languages for RDF have been proposed before the World Wide Web Consortium started to standardize SPARQL. Due...
Oxone: A Scalable Solution for Detecting Superior Quality Deltas on Ordered Large XML Documents
Recently, a number of relational-based approaches for detecting the changes to XML data have been proposed to address the...
Suggested Research Directions for a New Frontier – Active Conceptual Modeling
This paper discusses several research directions and challenges of a new frontier of research: active conceptual modeling. It suggests...
From Conceptual Modeling to Requirements Engineering
Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/11901181_2
A Context Model for Semantic Mediation in Web Services Composition
This paper presents a context-driven approach that aims at supporting semantic mediation between composed Web services. Despite the widespread...