planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

Evaluating the Productivity and Reproducibility of a Measurement Procedure

This paper reports an empirical study that used computer science major students as experimental subjects to evaluate the productivity...

Quality of Material Master Data and Its Effect on the Usefulness of Distributed ERP...

Master data is a main component of most information systems. In distributed and heterogeneous organizations, problems of data quality...

Towards Automatic Evaluation of Learning Object Metadata Quality

Thanks to recent developments on automatic generation of metadata and interoperability between repositories, the production, management and consumption of...

Evolving the Implementation of ISA Relationships in EER Schemas

One of the most severe problems related to database evolution is how to reflect in the data level the...

Expressing and Processing Timeliness Quality Aware Queries: The DQ2L Approach

With the growing need for querying and combining data from multiple data sources, data analysts, database application programmers and...

Schema Change Operations for Versioning Complex Objects Hierarchy in OODBs

In this paper, we propose a set of schema change operations which allows to restructure complex object hierarchy in...

Preface for SemWAT 2006

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Representing Versions in XML Documents Using Versionstamp

The problem of managing versions in XML documents can be approached through traditional adapted procedures, based on managing XML...

Combining Declarative and Procedural Knowledge to Automate and Represent Ontology Mapping

Ontologies on the Semantic Web are by nature decentralized. From the body of ontology mapping approaches, we can draw...

Preface for OIS 2006

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