planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

Visual Ontology Alignment for Semantic Web Applications

Ontologies play an important role for the semantic web because they aim at capturing domain knowledge in a generic...

XBRL Taxonomies and OWL Ontologies for Investment Funds

The analysis of investment funds information requires the availability of homogeneous information of the funds considered, which is usually...

A Semantic Transformation Approach for ISO 15926

Traditional industries anticipate supporting cross-organizational cooperation as applied in the semantic Web and Web services environments. However, the international...

Map2Share – A System Exploiting Metadata to Share Geographical Information

A crucial aspect in GIS project development is the high cost that companies face to collect geographical data. On...

Preface for CoSS 2006

Read the full paper here:

Building Semantic Web Services Based on a Model Driven Web Engineering Method

The first step to turn into reality the vision of the Semantic Web is to provide web contents (data...

Choreographies as Federations of Choreographies and Orchestrations

We propose a new conceptual model for choreographies of web-services. Choreographies are seen as virtual workflow models shared among...

Designing Web Services for Supporting User Tasks: A Model Driven Approach

Web Service (WS) developers must take several decisions to design Service Oriented Architectures. Some of these decisions are: which...

Designing Service-Based Applications: Teaching the Old Dogs New Tricks …or Is It the Other...

Service orientation is rapidly gaining acceptance as the dominant development paradigm for software applications. The current lack of methodologies...

Model to Text Transformation in Practice: Generating Code from Rich Associations Specifications

This work presents a model to code transformation where extended UML association specifications are transformed into C# code. In...