CODASYS: A consulting tool for novice database designers
The paper describes the main features of a prototype tool CODASYS (COnceptual modeling tool for DAtabase SYStems), which purports to help...
Entity-Relationship Modeling : One Style Suits All ?
In the business environment data modeling diagrams are used as a user communication tool during Data Analysis, as a...
Acquiring conceptual data modeling skills: The effect of cooperative learning and self-efficacy on learning...
Conceptual data modeling has been defined as a complex task for designers. This study draws from educational and psychological research in examining...
Temporal Databases : Model Design and Commercialization Prospects
This article presents a Temporal Enhanced EntityRelationship (TEER) model, which shows how temporal information can be captured within a...
Comparing Conceptual Modeling Techniques: A Critical Review of the EER vs. OO Empirical Literature
The empirical literature comparing entity relationship and object-oriented modeling techniques, while vibrant, has often yielded equivocal findings. This review...
A decision-driven approach to object-oriented analysis
The success of object-oriented programming (OOP) and object-oriented design (OOD) has led to the development of object-oriented analysis (00A). However, OOA does...
A framework for acquiring domain semantics and knowledge for database integration
Database integration research has traditionally focused on understanding integration issues from the schema and instance perspectives. As a result,...
A semantic-based approach to component retrieval
There continues to be a great deal of pressure to design and develop information systems within a short period...
Ontology-based Semantic Matching for Business Process Management
A company's competitiveness relies heavily on its business processes, and thus the need to execute business processes with agility...
Dynamic Collaboration: Participant-driven Agile Processes for Complex Tasks
Groups and decision makers are increasingly running headlong into complexity as interconnections and interdependencies between individuals and organizations continue...