Main Memory Oriented Optimization of 00 Queries Using Typed Datalog with Foreign Predicates
Object-oriented DBMS’s (OODB’s) have created a demand for relationally complete, extensible, and declarative object-oriented (00) query languages. Until now,...
A Normalization Framework for Multimedia Databases
We present a normalization framework for the design of multimedia database schemas with reduced manipulation anomalies. To this end,...
Measuring the effects of data distribution models on performance evaluation of distributed database systems
The effect of simplistic assumptions about the data distribution and replication in a system on performance measures and the...
Valid-Time Indeterminacy in Temporal Relational Databases: Semantics and Representations
Valid-time indeterminacy is “don’t know when” indeterminacy, coping with cases in which one does not exactly know when a...
Ontology-Based Service Representation and Selection
Selecting the right parties to interact with is a fundamental problem in open and dynamic environments. The problem is...
Converting a Fuzzy Data Model to an Object-Oriented Design for Managing GIS Data Files
A fuzzy entity relationship diagram (ERD) data model for managing information about sets of related data files was converted...
Constraint analysis: a design process for specifying operations on objects
A design process for an object-oriented database design environment, known as constraint analysis, is presented. Given the increased level...
Specifying and Enforcing Association Semantics via ORN in the Presence of Association Cycles
Object Relationship Notation (ORN) is a declarative scheme that allows a variety of common relationship types to be conveniently...
A History Approach of Automatic Relationships Establishment for VLSI Design Database
We propose a novel data management paradigm that incrementally and transparently constructs the relationships among VLSI design objects. This...
Database Design Principles for Placement of Delay-Sensitive Data on Disks
We investigate design principles for placing striped delay-sensitive data on a number of disks in a distributed environment. The...