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Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design
Home Journal Papers Information Systems

Information Systems

An automated tool for relational database design

This paper addresses relational database design using the concept of functional dependencies (FDs). The classical synthesis approach processes a...

A case study of database design using the dataid approach

This paper reports on the application of the DATAID-1 database design methodology, which has been described in the associated...

An automated entity–relationship clustering algorithm for conceptual database design

Entity–relationship (ER) modeling is a widely accepted technique for conceptual database design. However, the complexities inherent in large ER...

SQL/EER—syntax and semantics of an Entity-Relationship-based query language

This paper presents the high-level query language SQL/EER for an extended Entity-Relationship model (EER model). SQL/EER directly supports all...

An integrated methodology for functional analysis, process design and database design

A methodology that combines and integrates the major stages of information systems development is presented. The methodology is based...

From information system requirements to designs: A mapping framework

Comprehensive methodologies for information system development need to provide a framework for the adequate representation of system requirements and...

An analysis of SQL integrity constraints from an entity-relationship model perspective

This paper presents an analysis of the integrity constraints defined in the SQL ISO standard disclosure in the...

Improving the quality of data models: empirical validation of a quality management framework

This paper describes the results of a 5-year research programme into evaluating and improving the quality of data models....

Essential information structure diagrams and database schema design

An Information Structure Diagram (ISD) provides a detailed and exact description of the conceptual schema. It describes the semantics...

GISD: A graphical interactive system for conceptual database design

Conceptual schema design is a central problem in designing databases and information systems. GISD is a workstation-based interactive system...