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Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design
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Information Systems Journal

Knowledge, legitimacy and progress? Requirements as inscriptions in information systems development

Given the importance placed on requirements analysis for success in systems development, this paper seeks to illuminate some of...

User viewpoint modelling: understanding and representing user viewpoints during requirements definition

There has been increasing awareness of the impact of the early stages of systems development on the quality of...

Evaluation techniques for systems analysis and design modelling methods – a review and comparative...

Even though hundreds of modelling methods are in existence today,practitioners and researchers are zealously ‘producing’ new modelling methods.The ‘blooming’...

Client‐Led Information System Creation (CLIC): navigating the gap

This paper offers a new framework to facilitate an interpretive approach to client‐led information system development, referred to as...

A conceptual framework for understanding business processes and business process modelling

It is increasingly common to describe organizations as sets of business processes that can be analysed and improved by...

Nothing is more practical than a good conceptual artifact… which may be a theory,...

This research commentary proposes a way to make progress in the IS discipline's inconclusive discussion about the nature and...

The pragmatic quality of Resources‐ Events‐Agents diagrams: an experimental evaluation

The Resources‐Events‐Agents (REA) model is a semantic data model for the development of enterprise information systems. Although this model...

An approach to object identification, selection and specification in object‐oriented analysis

When using current object-oriented methods in the development of computer-based information systems, problems frequently arise in the identification and...

Towards the construction of workflow‐suitable conceptual modelling techniques

Despite their high-level and graphical nature, workflow specificationsrequire a significant amount of implementation detail Ð for example applicationprogramming interface,...

The role of modelling in achieving information systems success: UML to the rescue?

Much computer science literature addresses the mechanics of theUnified Modelling Language (UML) and requirements modelling, but little researchhas addressed...