planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

Information Systems

Formalising and animating multiple instances in BPMN collaborations

The increasing adoption of modelling methods contributes to a better understanding of the flow of processes, from the internal...

Developing secure data warehouses with a UML extension

Data Warehouses (DWs), Multidimensional (MD) Databases, and On-Line Analytical Processing Applications are used as a very powerful mechanism for...

A modular approach to the specification and management of time duration constraints in BPMN

The modeling and management of business processes deals with temporal aspects both in the inherent representation of activity coordination...

Derived types and taxonomic constraints in conceptual modeling

This paper analyzes the relationships between derived types and taxonomic constraints. The objectives are to see which taxonomic constraints...

Determining object interaction in object-oriented deductive conceptual models

We present the main components of an object-oriented deductive approach to conceptual modelling of information systems. This approach does...