planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling

Process mining using BPMN: relating event logs and process models

Process-aware information systems (PAIS) are systems relying on processes, which involve human and software resources to achieve concrete goals....

BPMN-E2: a BPMN extension for an enhanced workflow description

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Specifying business rules in object-oriented analysis

A major purpose of analysis is to represent precisely all relevant facts, as they are observed in the external...

Reusing metamodels and notation with Diagram Definition

It is increasingly common for language specifications to describe visual forms (concrete syntax) separately from underlying concepts (abstract syntax)....

What practitioners really want: requirements for visual notations in conceptual modeling

This research was aimed at eliciting the requirements of practitioners who use conceptual modeling in their professional work for...

Deontic BPMN: a powerful extension of BPMN with a trusted model transformation

The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a widely-used standard for process modelling. A drawback of BPMN, however,...

The meaning of multiplicity of n-ary associations in UML

The concept of multiplicity in UML derives from that of cardinality in entity-relationship modeling techniques. The UML documentation defines...

Knowledge and software modeling using UML

Ontology can be considered as a comprehensive knowledge model which enables the developer to practice knowledge, instead of code,...