Reconciling requirement-driven data warehouses with data sources via multidimensional normal forms
Successful data warehouse (DW) design needs to be based upon a requirement analysis phase in order to adequately represent...
MeDEA: A database evolution architecture with traceability
One of the most important challenges that software engineers (designers, developers) still have to face in their everyday work...
Performance evaluation of the object-relational transformation methodology
The emergence of the object-oriented (OO) methodology has shown its capabilities in modelling the real world better than the...
Deriving semantic information through property covering and inheritance
Covering is a well known relationship in semantic and object-oriented data models. Covering holds when a class is the...
A knowledge representation of the beginning of the innovation process: The Front End of...
The initial phase of the innovation process is widely accepted as an important driver of positive results for new...
An overview of the ONIONS project: Applying ontologies to the integration of medical terminologies
The paper presents a review of the ONIONS project. ONIONS is committed to developing a large-scale, axiomatized ontology library...
Knowledge maps: An essential technique for conceptualisation
The process of conceptualisation is a fundamental problem-solving activity and, hence, is an essential activity for solving the problem...
Scheduling ontology development projects
In the ontology engineering field, key aspects of real-world business contexts are not normally taken into account. One of...
Extracting conceptual relationships from specialized documents
Conceptual modeling has been fundamental to the management of structured data. However, its value is increasingly being recognized for...
Automated ontology construction for unstructured text documents
Ontology is playing an increasingly important role in knowledge management and the Semantic Web. This study presents a novel...