planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design


NALDO: From natural language definitions to OWL expressions

Domain ontologies are pivotal for Semantic Web applications. The richness of an ontology goes in hand with its usefulness...

Ensuring the canonicity of process models

Process models play an important role for specifying requirements of business-related software. However, the usefulness of process models is...

Formal justification in object-oriented modelling: A linguistic approach

When software engineers set out to build a system, they usually have the informal idea that there is a...

Digital factory system for dynamic manufacturing network supporting networked collaborative product development

During the last years, important research investments have been made by Airbus Group Innovations for the establishment of sustainable...

REERM: Reenhancing the entity–relationship model

The entity–relationship model (ERM) remains one of the most widely used SW Engineering techniques. Much research effort has focused...

A transition logic for schemata conflicts

Conflict detection and analysis are of high importance, e.g., when integrating conceptual schemata, such as UML-Specifications, or analysing goal-fulfilment...

Constraint modelling using a conceptual prototyping language

A conceptual language (CPL) is proposed, derived from natural language theory, for specifying both the static and dynamic component...

Deriving static and dynamic concepts from software requirements using sophisticated tagging

Natural language requirements specifications form the basis for the subsequent phase of the information system development process, namely the...

English, Chinese and ER diagrams

This paper examines the similarities and correspondence between the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) technique and the constructs of two natural...

Fuzzy XML data modeling with the UML and relational data models

Information imprecision and uncertainty exist in many real-world applications and for this reason fuzzy data modeling has been extensively...