planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design


Improving conceptual data models through iterative development

Agile methods promote iterative development with short cycles, where user feedback from the previous iteration is used to refactor...

Automated code generation of dynamic specializations: an approach based on design patterns and formal...

In this work, we present an automatic code generation process from conceptual models. This process incorporates the use of...

Modeling and analysis of security trade-offs – A goal oriented approach

In designing software systems, security is typically only one design objective among many. It may compete with other objectives...

Conceptual modelling of database applications using an extended ER model

In this paper, we motivate and present a data model for conceptual design of structural and behavioural aspects of...

From textual scenarios to a conceptual schema

Scenarios are a very popular means for describing and analyzing behavioral aspects on the level of natural language. In...

An ontology-based approach to knowledge representation for Computer-Aided Control System Design

Different approaches have been used in order to represent and build control engineering concepts for the computer. Software applications...

An analysis of ontologies and their success factors for application to business

Ontologies have been less successful than they could be in large-scale business applications due to a wide variety of...

Interoperability mapping from XML schemas to ER diagrams

The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a de facto standard on the Internet and is now being used to...

EVORM: A conceptual modelling technique for evolving application domains

In this paper we present EVORM, a data modelling technique for evolving application domains. EVORM is the result of...

A process ontology based approach to easing semantic ambiguity in business process modeling

Business process modeling continues to increase in complexity, due, in part, to the dynamic business contexts and complicated domain...