Learning non-taxonomic relationships from web documents for domain ontology construction
In recent years, much effort has been put in ontology learning. However, the knowledge acquisition process is typically focused...
An abductive, linguistic approach to model retrieval
In the early phases of requirements engineering, inspecting previously constructed conceptual models is important both for reusing specifications and...
Representation of conceptual ETL designs in natural language using Semantic Web technology
Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processes constitute the back stage of Data Warehouse architectures. Several studies characterize the ETL design as a...
Linguistically based requirements engineering – The NIBA-project
Usually, the development of an information system (or some part of it) starts with requirement elicitation followed by a...
Reusing ontologies on the Semantic Web: A feasibility study
Technologies for the efficient and effective reuse of ontological knowledge are one of the key success factors for the...
On the representation of roles in object-oriented and conceptual modelling
The duality of objects and relationships is so deeply embedded in our thinking that almost all modelling languages include...
Using ontologies with UML class-based modeling: The TwoUse approach
UML class-based models and OWL ontologies constitute modeling approaches with different strengths and weaknesses that make them appropriate for...
Semantic verb classes and lexical conceptual structures for enhancing the conceptual modelling and the...
In this document, we show how linguistic tools and resources such as organized classes of verbs and their semantic...
OCL-Lite: Finite reasoning on UML/OCL conceptual schemas
To ensure the quality of an information system we must guarantee the correctness of theconceptual schema that represents the...
Definition libraries for conceptual modelling
Conceptual modelling is a fundamental phase in the design of information systems in which knowledge about the Universe of...