Conceptualization, Design, and Implementation of EconBPC – A Software Artifact for the Economic Analysis of Business Process Compliance


Authors: Sebastian Lindner, Simon Thanh-Nam Trang, Stephan Kuehnel

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

Business process compliance (BPC) refers to business processes that meet requirements originating from different sources, such as laws, directives, standards, etc. BPC has become a heavy cost driver that requires both technical and economic support. While there are numerous tools for the technical support of compliance with requirements, there is a lack of software artifacts supporting the economic perspective of BPC. Consequently, this paper applies a design science research approach aiming at the conceptualization, design, and implementation of a software artifact for the economic analysis of BPC. In this context, we identify two design requirements on the improvement of decision quality and the reduction of cognitive effort. In addition, we derive five design principles (DP) on the basis of which the software artifact EconBPC is implemented. The five DP are evaluated with regard to comprehensibility, traceability, usefulness, and practicability both as part of an expert survey and in think-aloud sessions.

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