Converting XML DTDs to UML diagrams forconceptual data integration


Authors: Mikael R. Jensen, Thomas H. Møller, Torben Bach Pedersen

Tags: 2002, conceptual modeling

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is fast becoming the new standard for data representation andexchange on the World Wide Web, e.g., in B2B e-commerce. Modern enterprises need to combine datafrom many sources in order to answer important business questions, creating a need for integration of web-based XML data. Previous web-based data integration efforts have focused almost exclusively on thelogical level of data models, creating a need for techniques that focus on the conceptual level in order tocommunicate the structure and properties of the available data to users at a higher level of abstraction. Themost widely used conceptual model at the moment is the Unified Modeling Language (UML).This paper presents algorithms for automatically constructing UML diagrams from XML DTDs, en-abling fast and easy graphical browsing of XML data sources on the web. The algorithms capture im-portant semantic properties of the XML data such as precise cardinalities and aggregation (containment)relationships between the data elements. As a motivating application, it is shown how the generated dia-grams can be used for the conceptual design of data warehouses based on web data, and an integrationarchitecture is presented. The choice of data warehouses and On-Line Analytical Processing as the moti-vating application is another distinguishing feature of the presented approach.

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