Cost-Informed Operational Process Support


Authors: Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Chun Ouyang, Hajo A. Reijers, Michael Adams, Moe T. Wynn, Wil M. P. van der Aalst et al.

Tags: 2013, conceptual modeling

The ability to steer business operations in alignment with the true origins of costs, and to be informed about this on a real-time basis, allows businesses to increase profitability. In most organisations however, high-level cost-based managerial decisions are still being made separately from process-related operational decisions. In this paper, we describe how process-related decisions at the operational level can be guided by cost considerations and how these cost-informed decision rules can be supported by a workflow management system. The paper presents the conceptual framework together with data requirements and technical challenges that need to be addressed to realise cost-informed workflow execution. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated using a prototype implementation in the YAWL workflow environment.

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