DCR-KiPN a Hybrid Modeling Approach for Knowledge-Intensive Processes


Authors: Fernanda Baiao, Flávia Santoro, Thomas T. Hildebrandt, Tijs Slaats

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

Hybrid modeling approaches have been proposed to represent processes that have both strictly regulated parts and loosely regulated parts. Such process is so-called Knowledge-intensive Process (KiP), which is a sequence of activities based on intense knowledge use and acquisition. Due to these very particular characteristics, the first author previously proposed the Knowledge-intensive Process Ontology (KiPO) and its subjacent notation (KiPN). However, KiPN still fails to represent the declarative perspective of a KiP. Therefore, in this paper, we propose to improve KiPN by integrating it with the declarative process modeling language DCR Graphs. DCR-KiPN is a hybrid process modeling notation that combines a declarative process model language (activities and business rules) with the main aspects of a KiP, such as cognitive elements (decision rationale towards goals, beliefs, desires and intentions), interactions and knowledge-exchange among its participants.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-33223-5_13