Dealing with Information Quality Requirements


Authors: Mohamad Gharib, Paolo Giorgini

Tags: 2015, conceptual modeling

Information Quality (IQ) has been a growing concern for most organizations, since they depend on information for managing their daily tasks, make important decisions, etc., and relying on low quality information may negatively influence their overall performance. Despite this, most of the Requirements Engineering approaches either ignore or loosely define such requirements, i.e., they deal with them as generic non-functional requirements. In this paper, we propose a goal-oriented framework that is based on an extended version of secure Tropos methodology for modeling and reasoning about IQ requirements since the early phases of the system development, and refine these requirements until reaching their operational specifications. Moreover, the framework offers a methodological process along with several reasoning techniques to help designers during the different phases of the system design. We illustrate our framework with an example concerning a stock market crash.

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