Design of statistical databases: A methodology for the conceptual step


Authors: C. Batini, G.Di Battista

Tags: 1988, conceptual modeling

The aim of the conceptual step in database design is to describe data involving in the application in a formal and abstract way, without any concern to the specific model and language chosen for the implementation. In statistical applications, data are described at different levels of aggregation, from elementary facts of the reality to complex aggregations such as classifications, time series, indexes. The paper describes a methodology for conceptual design of statistical databases that provides the designer suitable strategies for defining such different levels of aggregation starting from user requirements, and checking the completeness, coherence and minimality of the conceptual schema at the different levels. The methodology makes use of two data models for the representation of data: for elementary data the Entity-Relationship model, widely used in database applications, and for summary data a new model is proposed, designed to be an effective trade-off between expressive power and simplicity of use.

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