Designing secure business processes with SecBPMN


Authors: Fabiano Dalpiaz, Mattia Salnitri, Paolo Giorgini

Tags: 2017, conceptual modeling

Modern information systems are increasingly large and consist of an interplay of technical components and social actors (humans and organizations). Such interplay threatens the security of the overall system and calls for verification techniques that enable determining compliance with security policies. Existing verification frameworks either have a limited expressiveness that inhibits the specification of real-world requirements or rely on formal languages that are difficult to use for most analysts. In this paper, we overcome the limitations of existing approaches by presenting the SecBPMN framework. Our proposal includes: (1) the SecBPMN-ml modeling language, a security-oriented extension of BPMN for specifying composite information systems; (2) the SecBPMN-Q query language for representing security policies; and (3) a query engine that enables checking SecBPMN-Q policies against SecBPMN-ml specifications. We evaluate our approach by studying its understandability and perceived complexity with experts, running scalability analysis of the query engine, and through an application to a large case study concerning air traffic management.

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