Developing CRMSys at SoftTel: Traditional or Agile?


Authors: Hyung Koo Lee, Sumantra Sarkar, Tianjie Deng

Tags: 2020, agile, project management, software development approach, teaching case, traditional

Abstract. The increasing popularity of Agile development has significantly changed the way organizations plan, design, and implement software applications. However, considering the complexity involved with software development, the decision to choose an Agile approach over the traditional waterfall approach is not straightforward. Organizations should carefully evaluate a variety of factors when choosing a development approach. In this teaching case study, the authors provide a discussion case to facilitate student discussion of using Agile vs. traditional approaches in software development. This case study is designed to reflect the complexities students are likely to encounter in actual software development projects. The case can be used in undergraduate or graduate level management information systems courses that cover software development approaches. Students can gain an understanding of factors to consider when choosing a development approach, which tailors to the organization, the project environment, and the project team.

Cite as:
Hyung Koo Lee, Tianjie Deng, Sumantra Sarkar (2020). “Developing CRMSys at SoftTel: Traditional or Agile?,” in AIS SIGSAND Teaching Cases Series, 1(1), pp.1-7.

History: Arturo Castellanos, Accepting Senior Editor. This paper was received October 9, 2020 and was accepted on November 7, 2020 after one round of revisions. Published online November 10, 2020.