Distributed database design for mobile geographical applications


Authors: Manhoi Choy

Tags: 2000,  Hong Va Leong,  Mei-Po Kwan, conceptual modeling

Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) require efficient information retrieval and updating in a dynamic environment at different geographical scales. ATIS applications are useful in yielding a better utilization of the limited costly transportation arteries and providing value-added traveler information. Many ATIS applications are built on the functionalities provided by Geographical Information Systems (GIS), which often cannot meet extra requirements like real-time response. We investigate GIS-based systems in ATTIS and propose a system architecture based on GIS and distributed database technology. Issues on data modeling, data representation, storage and retrieval, data aggregation, and parallel processing of queries are discussed This paper introduces a distributed system arch ite ctu refo rA TIS based on recent technology. It presents new data mode Isfor information representation and proposes data shipping for efficient query processing and function shipping for reducing communication overhead The paper also examines the use ofa network of computers for solving complex problems more timely and privacy protection for sensitive data

Read the full paper here: https://www.igi-global.com/journal/journal-database-management