Dockets: A Model for Adding Value to Content


Authors: Hans-Werner Sehring, Joachim W. Schmidt

Tags: 1999, conceptual modeling

Dockets1 are traditional paper means for supporting specific classes of workflows which concentrate on content and its value for individuals and organizations. A docket prescribes and finally documents some content reviewingpro cess which is part of a larger value chain. Since contents represent essential investments they are carefully protected by principles like autonomy and ownership. However, value chains over contents materialize only in open and cooperative scenarios. Therefore, dockets aim at mediating carefully between open content availability for value-addingpro cesses and control for investment protection. In this paper we present dockets as an innovative conceptual model for investment-protectingv alue chains over content. The model is introduced essentially by graphical means and is substantiated by our first experience with docket-driven application development. We demonstrate how our basic docket model scales to support general content management.

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