Dynamic Adaptation of Capabilities: Exploring Meta-model Diversity


Authors: Georgios Koutsopoulos, Janis Stirna, Martin Henkel

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

Environmental dynamism is constantly gaining ground as a driving force for enterprise transformation. The enterprise capabilities need to adapt as well and capability modeling can facilitate the process of transformation. A plethora of approaches for capability modeling exist. This study aims to explore how adaptability has been addressed in the meta-models of these approaches, visualize relationships among adaptability concepts, and identify ways to improve capability modeling in terms of adaptability. The concepts are visualized in a map and a framework is developed to assist the identification of concepts relevant for adaptation. Similarities and differences among the existing models are discussed, leading to suggestions towards improvements of capability modeling for capability adaptation.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-20618-5_13