Enhancing the semantics of UML association redefinition


Authors: Cristina Gómez, Dolors Costal, Pilar Nieto

Tags: 2011, conceptual modeling

Association redefinition is a UML construct that permits us to define an association end morespecifically in a particular context. Concretely, it allows specifying some additional participationand cardinality constraints on the association. Association refinements, which have beenstudied and used by many authors in conceptual modelling languages prior to UML, are closelyrelated to association redefinitions. They also permit to refine the ends of an association addingparticipation and cardinality constraints. Inthispaper, we analyze and compare the semantics ofboth concepts and propose to extend the semantics of association redefinitions in UML to coverall the constraints that may be expressed by association refinements in other conceptualmodelling languages. Additionally, we present how to integrate previous results on validation ofassociation refinements to UML and how to generate code for a relational technology platform.Finally, we provide a prototype tool to verify the feasibility of the approach.

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