Evaluating quality of conceptual modelling scripts basedon user perceptions


Authors: Ann Maes, Geert Poels

Tags: 2007, conceptual modeling

This paper presents the development of a user evaluations based quality model for conceptual modelling scripts applyingSeddon’s variant of the well-known model of DeLone and McLean [W.H. DeLone, E.R. McLean, Information systemssuccess: the quest for the dependent variable, Information Systems Journal 3(1) (1992) 60–95] for evaluating the successof information systems. Given the growing awareness among researchers and practitioners about the importance of high-quality conceptual modelling scripts, it is surprising that there is no practical evaluation framework that considers the qualityof conceptual modelling scripts from the user perspective. A first research goal is therefore to determine what the appropriatedimensions are for evaluating the success or quality of conceptual modelling scripts from the user point of view. A secondgoal is to investigate the relationships between these quality dimensions. The paper also presents an empirical test of the pro-posed model of quality dimensions and their relationships. Results are presented of two experiments with 187 and 124 busi-ness students respectively, that were designed to test a set of hypotheses generated from the proposed model. The resultslargely support the proposed model and have implications for both theory and practice of quality evaluation of conceptualmodelling scripts.

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