Evaluating the impact of smart technologies on harbor’s logistics via BPMN modeling and simulation


Authors: Davide La Rosa, Erina Ferro, Filippo Palumbo, Gigliola Vaglini, Mario G. C. A. Cimino, Nedo Celandroni

Tags: 2017, conceptual modeling

A smart Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enables a synchronized interplay of different key factors, aligning infrastructures, consumers, and governmental policy-making needs. In the harbor’s logistics context, smart ICT has been driving a multi-year wave of growth. Although there is a standalone value in the technological innovation of a task, the impact of a new smart technology is unknown without quantitative analysis methods on the end-to-end process. In this paper, we first present a review of the smart ICT for marine container terminals, and then we propose to evaluate the impact of such smart ICT via business process model and notation (BPMN) modeling and simulation. The proposed approach is discussed in a real-world modeling and simulation analysis, made on a pilot terminal of the Port of Leghorn (Italy).

Read the full paper here: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1936761329/fulltextPDF/C24AAFAAC767417CPQ/2?accountid=11357