Evolution of data modeling for databases


Authors: Shamkant B. Navathe

Tags: 1992, conceptual modeling

The discipline of data modeling initially became established because it provided way for specifying the structures of data* in actual file systems followed by database management systems (DBMSs). This led to the introduction of the network and the hierarchical models in the 1960s exemplified by the DBMSs called Integrated Data Store (IDS) of Honeywell (network model) and Information Management System (IMS) of IBM (hierarchical model). The relational model was then proposed as a mathematical basis for the analysis and modeling of data [16], providing data independence and addressing a variety of problems related to databases. It also provided a way for addressing redundancy as well as estimating the goodness of database structures in a formal way. The relational model made it possible to deal with integrity constraints, security schemes, distribution of data, and replication of data which could not be rigorously specified and analyzed previously.

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