Existence dependency: The key to semantic integrity between structural and behavioral aspects of object types


Authors: Guido Dedene, Monique Snoeck

Tags: 1998, conceptual modeling

In object-oriented conceptual modeling, the generalization/specialization hierarchy and the whole/part relationship are prevalent classification schemes for object types. This paper presents an object-oriented conceptual model where, in the end, object types are classified according to two relationships only. Existence dependency and generalization/specialization. Existence dependency captures some of the interesting semantics that are usually associated with the concept of aggregation (also called composition or Part Of relation), but in contrast with the latter concept, the semantics of existence dependency are very precise and its use clear cut. The key advantage of classifying object types according to existence dependency are the simplicity of the concept, its absolute unambiguity, and the fact that it enables to check conceptual schemes for semantic integrity and consistency. We will first define the notion of existence dependency and claim that it is always possible to classify objects according to this relationship, thus removing the necessity for the Part Of relation and other kinds of associations between object types. The second claim of this paper is that existence dependency is the key to semantic integrity checking to a level unknown to current object-oriented analysis methods. In other words: Existence dependency allows us to track and solve inconsistencies in an object-oriented conceptual schema.

Read the full paper here: https://www.computer.org/csdl/journal/ts