Formal Concept Analysis for Qualitative Data Analysis over Triple Stores


Authors: Bariş Sertkaya, Frithjof Dau

Tags: 2011, conceptual modeling

Business Intelligence solutions provide different means like OLAP, data mining or case based reasoning to explore data. Standard BI means are usually based on mathematical statistics and provide a quantitative analysis of the data. In this paper, a qualitative approach based on a mathematical theory called ”Formal Concept Analysis” (FCA) is used instead. FCA allows clustering a given set of objects along attributes acting on the objects, hierarchically ordering those clusters, and finally visualizing the cluster hierarchy in so-called Hasse-diagrams. The approach in this paper is exemplified on a dataset of documents crawled from the SAP community network, which are persisted in a semantic triple store and evaluated with an existing FCA tool called ”ToscanaJ” which has been modified in order to retrieve its data from a triple store.

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