Formal justification in object-oriented modelling: A linguistic approach


Authors: A. Moreno Capuchino, N. Juristo, R. P. van de Riet

Tags: 2000, conceptual modeling

When software engineers set out to build a system, they usually have the informal idea that there is a relation between the linguistic world and the conceptual world. In this paper, we present a formalisation of this empirical relation, de®ning an intermediate mapping of the components of the linguistic and conceptual worlds to their mathematical representations. This process outputs a justi®ed correspondence between natural language, used as a means of communication between users and software engineers, and conceptual models, employed by software engineers as a ®rst step towards building a system. In other words, our aim is to show how the equivalence of the linguistic and conceptual representations of a requirement can be established in a formal and justi®ed manner. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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