From a Conceptual Model to a Knowledge Graph for Genomic Datasets


Authors: Anna Bernasconi, Arif Canakoglu, Stefano Ceri

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

Data access at genomic repositories is problematic, as data is described by heterogeneous and hardly comparable metadata. We previously introduced a unified conceptual schema, collected metadata in a single repository and provided classical search methods upon them. We here propose a new paradigm to support semantic search of integrated genomic metadata, based on the Genomic Knowledge Graph, a semantic graph of genomic terms and concepts, which combines the original information provided by each source with curated terminological content from specialized ontologies. Commercial knowledge-assisted search is designed for transparently supporting keyword-based search without explaining inferences; in biology, inference understanding is instead critical. For this reason, we propose a graph-based visual search for data exploration; some expert users can navigate the semantic graph along the conceptual schema, enriched with simple forms of homonyms and term hierarchies, thus understanding the semantic reasoning behind query results.

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