From Business Models to Service-Oriented Design: A Reference Catalog Approach


Authors: Amy Lo, Eric Yu

Tags: 2007, conceptual modeling

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is rapidly becoming the dominant paradigm for next generation information systems. It has been recognized, however, that the full benefits of SOA would not be realized unless its capabilities are exploited at the business level. In the business arena, innovations in e-business have led to the identification and classification of business models and analysis of their properties. To ease the transition from business design to service-oriented system design, we propose a reference catalog approach. Recurring business designs are collected, pre-analyzed, and documented as a set of reference business models, following a standardized template. Each reference business model is realized through a set of service-oriented design patterns. The i* framework is the basis for modeling and analysis at both the business and service design level, taking advantage of its agent orientation for modeling service relationships, and its goal orientation to facilitate adaptation from generic patterns to specific needs.

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