From CASE to CARE (Computer-Aided Requirements Engineering)


Authors: Isidro Ramos, José H. Canós, Oscar Pastor

Tags: 1999, conceptual modeling

Software Engineering is still lacking methods which are capable of properly capturing the relevant System properties in the problem space and at the same time generating a correct representation (a final software product) in the solution space. This product must be functionally equivalent to the system specification and obtained in an automated way. The design of methods of this kind and the development of associated support tools is one of the current challenges in the field. This leads us to real CARE Computer-Aided Requirements Engineering environments, where the replacement of the S (of CASE) by the R is very meaningful: we want to focus on the Requirements Engineering process to capture properly the relevant system properties. Our CARE advanced tools will convert these “patterns” of behavior into the most convenient representation in a given software development environment, by properly “compiling” the system specification following a set of mappings between conceptual patterns and software representations. To do it, a formal basis and a model with the necessary expressiveness are needed in order to do this. The contribution of this paper is the object-oriented OASIS model as the basic model for such a CARE environment, together with a method for software production —the OO-Method- as an operational implementation of these ideas.

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