From UML to Petri Nets: The PCM-Based Methodology


Authors: Antonio Puliafito, Marco Scarpa, Salvatore Distefano

Tags: 2011, conceptual modeling

In this paper, we present an evaluation methodology to validate the performance of a UML model, representing a software architecture. The proposed approach is based on open and well-known standards: UML for software modeling and the OMG Profile for Schedulability, Performance, and Time Specification for the performance annotations into UML models. Such specifications are collected in an intermediate model, called the Performance Context Model (PCM). The intermediate model is translated into a performance model which is subsequently evaluated. The paper is focused on the mapping from the PCM to the performance domain. More specifically, we adopt Petri nets as the performance domain, specifying a mapping process based on a compositional approach we have entirely implemented in the ArgoPerformance tool. All of the rules to derive a Petri net from a PCM and the performance measures assessable from the former are carefully detailed. To validate the proposed technique, we provide an in-depth analysis of a web application for music streaming.

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