Gamification to Support the Run Time Planning Process in Adaptive Case Management


Authors: Danny Oldenhave, Remco Lagarde, Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, Theo van der Weide

Tags: 2013, conceptual modeling

Adaptive Case Management is used to manage unpredictable processes. These processes are mostly knowledge oriented and different roles need to collaborate to carefully plan the next steps during the execution of a case. These next steps cannot always be planned ahead, but depend on events and changes and differ for each instance. During the execution period the actual model of the run time planning, of a particular instance of a case, is made. For different roles to easily plan the correct next steps, it is important that such a case can be conceptualized and communicated. In this paper we suggest the idea of using game elements, or Gamification, to enhance the planning process during the execution of a case. With the use of Gamification we hope to make this process more recognizable for people and create better involvement by engaging the familiarity of games. The use of role-playing games is already being used for workshops and requirements elicitation. By building on existing work in Adaptive Case Management and Gamification we show that most games and the planning process of a case are in some respects similar. More in particular, we will discuss how we can learn from games to improve the team play during the planning process of a case. Finally this idea will be explained through an example of a planning process for an unpredictable case.

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