Generic Negative Scenarios for the Specification of Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems


Authors: Jennifer Brings, Marian Daun, Thorsten Weyer, Viktoria Stenkova

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

Collaborative cyber-physical systems face a plethora of different albeit often similar set-ups they might find themselves in during runtime. While it is necessary to consider each possible configuration to ensure safe operation of a collaborative cyber-physical system, the sheer number of unwanted behaviors makes manual safety assurance tasks daunting. The specification of unwanted behavior in negative scenarios helps identifying and correcting safety-critical design flaws. However, this requires negative scenarios for collaborative cyber-physical systems to be identified and the essential pieces of information therein to be consolidated and reduced to a manageable size. To this end we present a semi-automated approach that (1) generates negative scenarios from main scenarios considering all possible configurations and (2) generates generic negative scenarios using dedicated abstraction mechanisms that provide a condensed view on unwanted behaviors. The application of our approach to a case example from the automotive domain demonstrates its usefulness and appropriateness.

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