GML Storage: A Spatial Database Approach


Authors: Jun Li, Shuigeng Zhou, Yuzhen Li

Tags: 2004, conceptual modeling

GML was developed to standardize the representation of geographical data in XML, which makes the exchanging and sharing of geographical information easier. With the popularity of GML, more and more geographical data is presented in GML. This arises the problem of how to efficiently store GML data to facilitate its management and retrieval. This paper proposes an approach to store GML documents into spatial databases (e.g. Oracle Spatial, DB2 Spatial and PostGIS/PostgreSQL etc.). GML schema tree is first generated based on the given GML schema, the generated schema tree is then mapping into corresponding relational schema. All basic spatial objects are stored as values of the mapped tables’ fields. Experiments are carried out to examine the storage efficiency of the proposed approach.

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